Welcome to our website

Welcome to the official website of the Bingham and District Audio Magazine. The Audio Magazine, as it is more generally known, was founded in 1985 and its purpose then, and still is today, was to provide a monthly audio magazine containing news, talks, interviews and reports on local topics for local people who either have a visual impairment, restricted mobility, or older people who wish to stay in touch with their community.

Bingham is a small town located in the that part of England known as the East Midlands, and lies some 10 miles to the east of the principal city of Nottingham. The Audio Magazine serves Bingham itself and the hinterland of villages that all lie within a 6 mile radius of the town. Since 1985 we have captured audio recordings of people talking about their work, achievements, their role in the community and significant life experiences both within and outside the confines of our catchment area.

If you wish to learn more about us, please follow the links.

In each edition we include:

  • Local news
  • Interviews with local people
  • Talks
  • A poetry section
  • Seasonal/topical articles
  • Nostalgic reminiscences
  • Occasional music… and more

The Audio Magazine is a registered charity and has been in existence for over 30 years serving Bingham and the surrounding villages. In 2011 it was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for voluntary groups.

The Audio Magazine has always relied on the local community, and organisations within it, for support, and this helps enable us to offer the Magazine free of charge.

Our Listeners

How to become a Listener

No referral is needed, just contact Jane Roberts by phone: 01949 839911, or email :

If you know of anyone that you think might like to become a listener; a friend, neighbour or relative, please let them know about us.

Once the contact is made, then Jane will arrange a visit to complete a small amount of paperwork, and the person will be given a unique number corresponding to the CD which they will receive each month.

Our Visitors

If a listener is housebound or finds it difficult to get out regularly, then the CD is delivered to them by a Visitor. Visitors are often known to the listener already. If the listener does not know anyone who can deliver the CD to them, then a volunteer will be assigned to make the delivery. It will be the same person each month. New friendships are often formed between the Visitor and the Listener.

How to become a Visitor

If you have an hour or so a month that you can spare, then all you need to do is to contact Jane Roberts by phone: 01949 839911, or email :

A volunteer, known as a Visitor, collects the numbered CD from the distribution point and contacts the listener to arrange a mutually convenient time to deliver the CD. Most visitors will try to deliver the CD sometime early in the month. Some visitors stay to have a chat and a cup of tea with the listener, some drop off the CD and have a chat at the door. It is left to the listener and the visitor to do what suits them best.

If the Visitor is unknown to the listener and new to the scheme, references will be required.


Distribution of the CD

Each CD has a number, corresponding to the number that the listener has been allocated. The majority of the CDs, once they have been produced and numbered are taken to Bingham library in time for the first Tuesday of each month. They are kept behind the main desk. Listeners and Visitors just need to ask at the desk for the CD they need. They can be collected at any time during the month. When the new CDs are delivered to the library, the uncollected CDs are removed.

Visitors and Listeners who live outside of Bingham are able to make alternative arrangements for the collection of the CD. This will be decided at the time when the listener or visitor first signs up for the scheme.

About the Magazine


Lesley Lyon Secretary
Sue Hull Treasurer
Alan Cotton Editor
Elaine Baker
Andrew Charlett
Jane Roberts

